Faculty of Computing and Environmental Sciences (FCES)

The Jewel University Gombe Faculty of Science and Computing is a vibrant and dynamic community of scholars and students dedicated to the advancement of knowledge in the fields of science, computing, and technology. Our staff are experts in their respective fields, and our students are passionate about learning and making a difference in the world.

We offer a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs, including Bachelor of Science degrees in Computer Science, Software Engineering, and Cyber Security; Master of Science degrees in Computer Science, Information Technology, and Data Science; and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Computer Science and Information Technology.

Our faculty are actively engaged in research, and our students have the opportunity to participate in cutting-edge research projects.

We also offer a variety of extracurricular activities, including student clubs, hackathons, and competitions.

If you are interested in a career in science, computing, or technology, then the Faculty of Science and Computing is the place for you.

We offer a world-class education, and we are committed to helping our students succeed.

Here are some of the benefits of studying in the Faculty of Science and Computing in Jewel University Gombe:

  • You will learn from world-renowned experts in their respective fields.
  • You will have the opportunity to participate in cutting-edge research projects.
  • You will have access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources.
  • You will be part of a vibrant and supportive community of scholars and students.




Here are some of the benefits of studying in the Faculty of Science and Computing in Jewel University Gombe:

  • You will learn from world-renowned experts in their respective fields.
  • You will have the opportunity to participate in cutting-edge research projects.
  • You will have access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources.
  • You will be part of a vibrant and supportive community of scholars and students.


Faculty Departments & Programs

Computer Science

In today's world, computer science is essential for everything from building bridges to curing diseases. It is the language of the future, and those who master it will be the ones who shape the world.
The Department boast of highly accomplished computer scientists who are passionate about teaching and mentoring students.
The Department of Computer Science is a technology-focused and research-intensive department that offers the following programs in the field of computing:


B.Sc. Computer Science

Cyber Security

In today's digital world, cyber security is more important than ever. As more and more of our lives are conducted online, we are increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks.
Cyber criminals are constantly finding new ways to exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks, and it is essential that we have a strong cyber security workforce to protect us from these threats.
This Department offers a rigorous and comprehensive curriculum that prepares students for successful careers in this growing field.


B.Sc. Cyber Security

Information Technology

IT is not just about sitting in front of a computer all day. It's about solving problems, innovating, and creating new solutions. It's about being at the forefront of technology and making a difference in the world. If you're looking for a career that is both challenging and rewarding, IT is the perfect choice for you. With an IT degree from Jewel University, you can have your pick of high-paying jobs in a variety of fields.


B.Sc. Information & Communication Technology

Data Science

The Jewel University Data Science program equips students with the ability to extract knowledge and insights from large and complex datasets. Students will develop the skills to collect, clean, analyze, and visualize data using powerful tools and techniques.
Graduates will be prepared for careers in a variety of fields, including data science, business analytics, and machine learning engineering


B.Sc. Data Science

Software Engineering

This program teaches students the theoretical foundations and practical skills to design, develop, and maintain software systems. Graduates will be prepared for careers in a variety of software engineering fields, including web development, mobile app development, and software engineering. Software Engineering roles beckon, where graduates can design, develop, and implement software solutions across various domains


B.Sc. Software Engineering


Architecture is a complex and multifaceted program that encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including engineering, art, history, and sociology.
At its core, architecture is about creating spaces that are both functional and beautiful. It is about using materials and forms to create structures that are both aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound.
The Department of Architecture at Jewel University, Gombe is a leader in architectural education, offering a rigorous and comprehensive curriculum that prepares students for successful careers in the field.


B.Sc. Architecture


The department of Building, Jewel University, Gombe is designed to give students a broad understanding of the principles of architecture, as well as the skills they need to design and build buildings.
We believe that buildings are more than just structures. They are the foundation of man's civilization and industrialization.
Our department offers a rigorous and comprehensive curriculum that prepares students for successful careers in the building industry.
Our vastly experienced staff teach, train, and mentor our students the skills they need to design, construct, and manage buildings that are safe, sustainable, and beautiful.


B.Sc. Building

Quantity Surveying

The Department of Quantity Surveying at Jewel University prepares students for successful careers in the construction industry.
Our department has highly accomplished quantity surveyors and educators who are passionate about teaching, coaching and mentoring students.
We are committed to providing our students with the knowledge, skills, and experience they need to succeed in this challenging and rewarding field.


B.Sc. Quantity Serveying